Producers, Which Innovations do You Most Want to Learn About?
The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is looking for input on which topics to choose when planning presentations and workshops for Canadian beef producers. Please consider completing our short survey. It takes about 10 minutes.
Your feedback will help determine which topics will be presented during Bov-Innovation at the Canadian Beef Industry Conference in August 2017.
What is Bov-Innovation? Bov-Innovation is an extension event for producers held as part of the Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC). Bov-Innovation features innovative, underutilized or emerging production practices that feedlot and cow-calf operators may want to consider implementing in their operations. The sessions are engaging and interactive. Participants are able discuss the recommendations with presenters and fellow producers, and take home additional resources.
The CBIC is a joint collaboration of the BCRC, Canada Beef, the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA). The inaugural CBIC was held in 2016.
CBIC 2017 will be held August 15-17 at the BMO Centre in Calgary, Alberta. Visit the CBIC website or follow the CBIC on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

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