Facts About Conventional Beef Production

As restaurants and retailers look for methods to assure their customers that the beef they sell is a healthy and responsible choice, questions are raised about conventional production. Science-based answers to those questions can be found on BeefResearch.ca. Our website is full of information for producers, not only to help them make informed decisions about their own production practices, but also to help them answer consumers’ questions and maintain the public’s trust and confidence in Canadian beef.
The blog post Q&A on conventional production of Canadian beef has concise answers to questions like:
- Can consumers be confident Canadian beef is safe from drug residues?
- What would happen if the Canadian beef industry stopped using growth promotants?
- How is the welfare of Canadian beef cattle upheld?
- Is conventional beef production in Canada contributing to antimicrobial resistance?
- Why should consumers remain confident that conventionally raised Canadian beef is safe?

Find the answers to those questions and others
Interested in becoming an active advocate of Canadian beef? Enroll in the Beef Advocacy Canada online learning program here.
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